Trotz aller Bemühungen und Sorgfalt können wir keine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit unserer Tanzbeschreibungen leisten.
16 Bars 2 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
Ain't Going Down 2 Wall/48 Count Beginner
American Kids 4 Wall/32 Count Beginner
Anything for Love 4 Wall/ 32 Count Beginner
Ay Ay Ay 2 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
Better Days 2 Wall/ 32 Count Beginner
Bring Down The House 4 Wall/ 32 Count Intermediate
Buddy 2 Wall/32 Count Beginner
City Lights 4 Wall/ 32 Count Beginner
Country Smile 4 Wall/32 Count Beginner
Crossroad 4 wall / 64 Counts Intermediate
Dance Again 4 Wall/32 Count Beginner
Day Of Victory 2 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
Even If It Kills Me 4 Wall/48 Count Intermediate/Advance
Fine 2 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
Firestorm 2 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
Five Minutes 2 Wall/32 Count Intermediate
Friday Yet 2 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
Hallelujah 2 Wall/68 Count Intermediate
Heaven On Earth 2 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
Hold 1 Wall/Phrased Intermediate (Part A 64 / Part B 32)
Jägermeister 2 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
Lifetime 2 Wall/72 Count Intermediate
Little White Church 4 Wall/32 Count Beginner, Intermediate
Lost In Me 4 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
Old Times 2 Wall/ 64 Count Intermediate 36 Counts Intro
Open Heart 2 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
P3 4 Wall/32 Count Beginner
Pizza And Beer 2 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
Priority 2 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
Rainy Night 2 Wall/ 32 Count Beginner
Shot Gun House 2 Wall/64 Count Beginner
Signs Of Love 3 Wall/ 96 Couns Intermediate
Stop And Cafe 2 Wall/64 Count Beginner
Sweet Eyes 2 Wall/64 Count Improver
Tag On 2 Wall/64 Count Beginner
The World 4 Wall/64 Count Beginner
Three Teachers 4 Wall/32 Count Beginner
Truck A Truck 4 Wall/32 Count Beginner
Untamed 4 Wall/32 Count Intermediate
Whisky Gone 4 Wall/72 Count Beginner/Intermediate
You And Me 2 Wall/64 Count Intermediate
Thelma & louise 2 Wall / 32 Count Intermediate 1 Intro/2tag/restart/ende
Drinkin'Tonight 4 Wall /32 Counts Beginner
Migh Be 2 Wall / 56 Counts 2 Tag's 2 Restart's
Two Way's 4 Wall / 32 Counts Intermediate
Heads or Tails 2 Wall / 32 Counts Intermediate
Zanzare 2 Wall / 64 Counts Intermediate Phrased
Endless 4 Wall / 32 Counts Beginner
Hold On To Me 4 Wall / 32 Counts 4 Restart Finale Beginner
Rodeo Time 4 Wall / 32 Counts Beginner
The Lovers 2 Wall / 84 Counts Advanced
Mr. Funky 2 Wall / 48 Counts 3 Restart's 1 Tag
Williwaw 136 Counts Intro 16 /a 24/b 32/c 32/tag 32
Picture of you 4 Wall / 142 Counts a 56/b 62/ tag 16/ Final 8
Little Burrito 4 Wall / 32 Counts 1Restart / 2 Brücken / 1 Tag
Western Show 2 Wall / 32 Counts 5 Restarts / Final
High Time Baby 2 Wall / 64 Counts 1 Restadt
Tomorrow Never Comes 2 Wall / 46 Counts A 32 / B 14 / 2 Restarts / Brücke
Press Rewind 4 Wall / 32 Counts 1Tag / 1 Restart
Lemon Squeezy 2 Wall / A 32 Counts / B 32 Counts / 1 Tag /2 Restarts
3 Flicks 4 Wall / 64 Counts ntermediate
Backroad 2 Wall / 64 + 8 Counts Intermediate
Wonder 2 Wall / 72 Counts Phrased Intermediate
Mr.Pol & Me 2 Wall / 38 Counts Intermediate
The Wish 2 Wall / 64 Counts / 3 Restarts
Poker 2 Wall / 48 Counts / 2 Restarts
Lees Travelld 2 Wall / 191 Counts / Intro / T1 / T2 / A - B - Ending
God & Country 2 Wall / 32 Counts / 1 Restart / 1 Tag
Trilogy 1 Wall / 96 Counts /
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